Sunday, May 18, 2008

Weekly Reflection Numero 2

        This week was a bit more chaotic. I had to balance teaching and musical. Sometimes I became limited from working with one group more than the other. This week was more chaotic because it is the time when the choreography, the musical and  drama classes are in the middle stage. I have practice the choreography with the whole, the musical has to fix things here and there and drama class is coming to an end soon. Everything is soon going to come to an end.

        This week was the first week that I ever taught dance for two straight hours. I have to say that it wasn't really my body that was numb, but my brain was exhausted when we finished.I think it is something that I could see myself do in the future. To be a dance teacher you need to be creative, specific and fun! I have had many dance teacher who even though they are tough and crazy jokes during class. I also have had very strict and mean dance teachers, who I didn't like as much. This experience had made me realize how much credit dance teacher's should get. They always make it look easy to teach dance, but it is not as easy as it seems.

     I will benefit from this week's activities by learning more about myself as a teacher. I truthfully asked my peers what they though were my strengths and weaknesses. They told me what they though, and then I worked on making the corrections. Before this experience I always thought it would be easy to teach dance. It is not easy especially when you are around the same age as your peers and it is hard for you to feel like you have complete control. I have achieved so much. It is hard to teach the basics of modern, a choreography, across the floor technique  and some of the different types of modern techniques in two weeks. This next week I will the perfect the choreography with my group of dancer's and hopefully be able to present it in assembly. 



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're accomplishing a lot in a short amount of time!