Tuesday, May 13, 2008

So much dancing!!!

      My day started early today. I danced and did some researching from 8:15 to 10:15. I talked to my class and we agreed that it would be best if we worked on modern and on samba and no other technique. In order for them to really learn the basics of each technique, we need to not move on so quickly. 

     From 11:55 to 12:45 we worked in perfection our scenes in Drama class. I then practiced for a special role in the musical. 

    For the first part of dance I worked with my dance class. We went though the choreography set by set because there were some people who were completely lost. then I taught them a new section of the choreography. It is looking really good. from 4:30 to 5:15 I worked with Joey on a dance for the musical.

    At 6:15 i went back to the the meeting hall and we went though two dances. I finished dancing at 8:0o pm and quite frankly am ready to sleep. 

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