Wednesday, May 14, 2008


      Even though today was chaotic, it was still a good day. From 10:00 to 10:50 I went to Drama class. We warmed up and then we went through our scenes. As the days go by the scenes get better and better. I have to get very angry in my scene. It was hard for me to act like I was mad, but them Michael explained it to me and I understood why I was angry. From 1o:50 to 11:30 I went to the dance studio to go over the counts in the choreography.

     Today we did a run through of the musical from 12:30 to 4:15. It was long rehearsal and was full of chaos. It came out rather well. When we finished going through the musical  at 4:20 I went to the dance studio to teach a couple dancer's the material that they missed. We went through the dance various times, until they were more clear with it. We just have to practice what we have and learn the rest of the dance. 

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