Saturday, May 24, 2008

Weekly Reflection Numero 3

This week wiped me out.I think that so much was going on at the same time that I got so tired by the end of the week. I finished the last touches on the choreography such as editing music, corrections and got the dance piece to look awesome! This week I also worked on perfecting my scene for my drama class for when I when performed it last week. The last thing that I did this week was the musical. I worked extra hours in the dance studio so that I would build the confidence I wanted for all of the times that we performed the musical.

I enjoyed everything that I did during this week. As the week progressed I got more and more sad, because I did not want everything to come to an end. this experience has been awesome. I enjoyed working with my group of dance students. They have made me want to teach more dances and maybe become a dace teacher some day. As for the play, all I have to say is that I will remember memorable moment that I had. I wouldn't change this experience for the world.

This week was full of surprises. I had no idea that the choreography that I created was going to look so good. I sometimes don't myself enough credit for the choreography's that I create. However this experience has made me realize that I could really do this in the future.

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