Monday, May 5, 2008

May 5-9, 2008

Today was my first day of Senior Project! I was so excited to see what I would be doing for the next three weeks. My day started at 9:15 in the morning. I went to the dance studio and did a a thorough stretch. Once I was stretched and ready to dance I did some research to come up with ideas for my next choreography that has to have the essential things of modern dance technique. Such as contact dancing, improvisations, release technique and more . I researched and came up with several songs for my choreography. 

I took a break from dancing and then moved on to my Drama class with Michael Littman. This class went from 10:55 to 11:50. throughout the trimester we have been establishing many skills, but today we worked on improvisation.

At 11:55 I went back to the dance studio, until 12:45. It was taking me a while today to come up with simple choreography for the group. But as soon as I decided on a song I was able to develop the dance a lot faster. By the beginning of noon I came up with the basic outline for the the dance piece. 

From 3:15 to 5:15 I  went to dance  afternoon activity. We spent my time working on the musical. We worked on the songs , then we danced the Kit Kat Club numbers and the finally  connected  the  dancing with  the singing. 

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